Find Out How Much Your Home Is Worth

Saturday, August 22, 2015

2152 Morningbrook Drive

Great home for sale in Shadow Brook Lakes view tour here

Friday, August 21, 2015

Why Now is A Great Time To Sell Your Home and Upgrade To A New One

Now is the time to put your home on the market with a REALTOR and upgrade to a new home.  Why?  Because interest rates are at a historic low.  This means you have more purchasing power.  Right now, we are in a seller's market in Baton Rouge.  

You are always at the mercy of the market, however, there are few times when you can have the best of both worlds.  You have the opportunity to sell your home for top dollar, and you have the opportunity to get a new, bigger home and probably keep your house note close to the what it already is due to the extremely low interest rates.

Want to get a bird's eye view of what your home is worth?  Take a few minutes and use my Home Value tool to find out.

Want to see what's currently on the market?  Use our interactive real estate search engine to see the newest homes for sale in Baton Rouge.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Be careful of the vampires!

Be careful of the Vampires in your life. These are the people who love to suck the energy right out of your life. ...
Posted by Jonathan Dupree on Monday, July 27, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Abundance vs Scarcity

I intend to always come from a place of abundance vs lack or scarcity. The Universe is vast, big, and mighty. 

Here's the difference between an abundant mindset and a scarcity mindset :

Abundance Mentality
*Victory means success that brings mutually beneficial results to all involved.
*Recognizes unlimited opportunities for positive growth and development.
*Realizes that there are three ways to do things, my way, your way and a better way.
*Appreciates the uniqueness of others.

Scarcity Mentality
*Victory means success at the expense of someone else.
*Difficulty showing happiness for the success of others including family, friends and business associates.
*Difficulty sharing credit, recognition, power and profit.
*Difficulty being a team player because differences in opinion are perceived as disloyalty.

I am building an empire. Not so that I can have more money, but so that I can live more abundantly and be a blessing to many. I intend to create opportunities for as many people as possible. 

The Lose-Win mindset says that "there's only so much pie to go around, and if you get some there will be less for me".  This mindset could be viewed as a "scarcity mentality" and is part of the Lose-Win paradigm.

An Abundance Mentality maintains that there is "more than enough", and adopts the Win-Win mindset where "we can all achieve more together", and "there's plenty to go around and everyone can enjoy the plenty that we've been given."

Stephen R. Covey explains it well here in his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People":

"The Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life.

People with a Scarcity Mentality have a very difficult time sharing recognition and credit, power or profit - even with those who help in the production.  They also have a very hard time being genuinely happy for the successes of other people - even, and sometimes especially, members of their own family or close friends and associates.  It's almost as if something is being taken from them when someone else receives special recognition or windfall gain or has remarkable success or achievement.

Although they may verbally express happiness for others' success, inwardly they are eating their hearts out.  Their sense of worth comes from being compared, and someone else's success, to some degree, means their failure.  Only so many people can be "A" students; only one person can be "number one".  To "win" simply means to "beat."

...It's difficult for people with a scarcity mentality to be members of a complimentary team.  They look on differences as signs of insubordination and disloyalty.

The Abundance Mentality, on the other hand, flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security.  It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody.  It results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits, of decision making.  It opens possibilities, options, alternatives and creativity.

The Abundance Mentality takes...personal joy, satisfaction and fulfillment...and turns it outward, appreciating the uniqueness, the inner direction, the proactive nature of others.  It recognizes the unlimited possibilities for positive interactive growth and development, creating new Third Alternatives.

Public Victory does not mean victory over other people.  It means success in effective interaction that brings mutually beneficial results to everyone involved. ...Public Victory is an outgrowth of the Abundance Mentality paradigm.

A character rich in integrity, maturity, and the Abundance Mentality has a genuineness that goes far beyond technique, or lack of it, in human interaction."

Reference: Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, pp. 219-230. copyright 2004.

Leadership vs Management

Check out my new Pulse post on LinkedIn

 Here is something I drew up this morning. The difference between Leadership and Management is that you lead people and you manage systems and tools. In the beginning of your career or when you DECIDE to move to the next level in business, make a decision to work harder on your self than you do on your business.

Invest in Personal Growth. Find a mentor. Hire a coach. You won't have as many systems put in place in the beginning, however don't spend your time implementing systems, spend your time becoming a better leader, while you focus on the critical steps to success - 1) Prospecting, 2) Following Up, 3) Closing, 4) Repeating

Work on your skill sets, but work hard on your leadership and personal growth because that will take you further and allow you to close the gaps between where you are and where you want to be. There are plenty of skilled failures in the world.

Commit to becoming a leader. As you grow, you will attract other people. Pour your life into them. Help them to see who they can become. As you lead others, they will do the same. You can now devote time to developing and implementing the systems and tools that will support the leaders you are developing.

When you are crushing it at all levels, you will look up and see that you have lots of leaders in your world and you have fully developed systems and tools in place to support your team. Some will tell you systems are better than talent. I say, talent becomes talent by working harder on themselves, then they develop and/or implement the systems and you have the perfect storm for success! wink emoticon